Every year, ShARE produces more than 500 outputs on economic and business issues over 10 countries.
China to increase gas in power mix

As a result of unconventional natural gas technology development, Global natural gas market fell into a new vertex of global trading, in a more favorable side for buyers. Following this trend, China planed a very aggressive natural gas increase in its energy mix.
Cashless Payment: a rising market in India
India, with its huge market and a highly distributed supply chain frameworkin most of the industries, has not yet been able to achieve centralization of the payment channels. At present, 60% of the transactions are paper based. As the country is moving towards electronic channels for a time efficient, cost efficient and safer payment ecosystem, it has become imperative for the government to trigger the transition.
Fiscal Impact on Brain Drain in PIGS

The Brain Drain is a relatively new phenomenon, especially in more developed countries, often being associated with third world countries where population was “forced” to emigrate to acquire new skills unavailable in their countries. Recently, the brain drain has also extended to more developed countries. This migratory movement is associated with the demand of best living conditions and cultural factors. Portuguese, Greek and Italian workers are more open to this phenomenon, whereas the Spaniards are more attached to their homeland.